14 May, 2015
by Admin

Do I really have to shave?

It's the one question every man has asked himself at least once when he prepares to jump-start the day with their daily grooming regime. Unfortunately, the answer is YES, you do need to shave and here are the top 3 reasons why

1. Grooming Matters at your Workplace
We're not in the stone age where all a man had to do was kill an animal for a decent meal and chop a few trees to arrange an accommodation. We're 21st century men who need to sell products, services and sometimes, just appear presentable in order to earn our daily living....and well, most of us know if you look like a distant cousin of a Bear or a Yeti, you're not going to get any of those things done. So there....you have GOT to shave if you want to make an impression at the workplace. Grooming Matters.

2. Because Women Like It
I have nothing against men who don't shave, but guys here's the thing....Women Prefer clean shaven men over the ones with unkempt, scruffy looking beards!!!

First of, it makes you appear lazy. Secondly, it leaves us wondering whether remnants of your lunch are still somewhere in there. Last and definitely not the least, if we wanted our nose to be tickled while kissing, we would rather kiss our pet labs or cats. I know that sounds harsh, but well...that's the reality. Go on...accuse us of being shallow, but well....Grooming Matters!

3. It's Hygienic
Let's admit this, whether you're savoring a "chicken and mayo" wrap or downing a "Subway Melt", those sauces clinging on to your facial hair are not exactly contributing to your personal hygiene factor.

I'm not saying that men with beards are hygienic, all I'm saying is it's easier to manage hygiene without a germ-field around your mouth. Grooming Matters!

Now that we know why you need to shave, lets try and understand why you DONT want to shave. The most common reasons I have heard from my sources (male friends, family and colleagues) are the following:

1. It's boring and time consuming
So is bathing and brushing your teeth. Nevertheless, you have to do it. It is one of those things you just have to learn to love and get used to. I know a lot of men to whom shaving in the morning is now as natural as answering nature's call.

2. My skin is too sensitive and I get rashes
Genuine point. Noted and accepted. However, there is a way around this. Choosing the right tools. When it comes to a good shave, there are only 3 things that make shaving a near perfect experience, and no, it is not the number of blades in your razor. First factor is how sharp the blades are. Your best bet are blades with Teflon coating since these keep the blades sharper for long. The second factor is using blades with an Aloe Vera strip. These work very well towards moisturizing and soothing your skin even while you shave. Finally, a good shaving foam goes a long way in enhancing your shaving experience. Not only does it lift your hair for easy shaving, it also keeps your skin calm and moisturized.

3. I don't need to shave to feel good about myself
True. But here's what I want you to do. Ask a close friend, your spouse or a confidante to observe your walk and attitude the day you shave and on the days you don't. You will get the answer to this question.
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